Who We Are

The first Ruritan Club was charted in Holland, Va in 1928. Since then Ruritan has spread to a nationwide oragnization with nearly 30,000 members in 1,100 communities. The name Ruritan  is a combination of the Latin words for open country "ruri" and small town "tan," interpreted as pertaining to rural and small town life.

The Jefferson Ruritan Club was charted in 1947 and has just recently celebrated our 74th birthday. Over the years our club has donated countless manhours as well as over $125,000 into our community, including $28,000 in scholarships.

Our Philosophy

As Ruritans, we do our best to stay connected to our community and their needs, and fill them whenever possible through hardwork and fundraising.  Our slogan is "Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service"  

About Jefferson Ruritan

Saluting the flag during our General Meeting

Mailing Address: 5439 Countryside Circle, Jeffersonton, Va 22724 | (540) 937-5119 | For more info, call 540-937-5119 or email tascfishingcamps@gmail.com